How To Choose The Best Furniture For The Laboratory

lab design

Research and science laboratories are clearly incomplete without efficient lab furniture equipped with advanced apparatus for smooth testing and experimenting. Thus, choosing the right furniture is among the most prominent things to consider when buying or setting up a laboratory. After all, furniture is crucial in making your workspace productive, pleasant, and secure.

Let’s get into the parameters that will help you in the suitable selection for your lab furnishing.

Type of laboratory

Choosing the right type of furniture requires an intense fathom of the type of laboratory. They cater to your unique requirements and the risks that come with them, distinct from the industry in which they operate. These can be categorised into dry and wet labs based on the chemicals and apparatus to be used. Further, the labs can be of different kinds such as Research & Development labs, educational laboratories, analytic and quality laboratories, etc. Each type would require a different set of safety measures integrated with the furniture appliances.

Flexibility of your working area

Clearly defining your lab layout based on the working areas will help in the right installation of lab furniture in regard to the workflow within. Drafting up a plan before purchasing laboratory furniture can give you a clear concept of how your lab will look and will also assist you in selecting the best laboratory furniture. This will eventually lead to a successful and efficient laboratory. Customizable furniture complements the overall work flexibility as it helps in quick adaptation to changes as and when required.


Quality is primitive in terms of lab furniture. It is the furnishing that effectively enables the smooth processing of any experiment; hence it is important to choose an appropriate furniture system made of durable and non-reactive raw materials. As said earlier, different labs need distinctly specialised materials to build reliable and systematic furniture. Make sure to avoid any congested adjustments while preparing the layout, this will enhance the qualitative aspect of the laboratory.

Position Of Fume Hood

Consider laboratory space where a fume hood is required while creating a layout, as a fume hood is a significant component while installing lab furniture. A centred placed fume hood of a lab will have a different effect than one put in the corner. The position is defined as dependent on safety and ventilation requirements. The placement of large objects such as a fume hood will facilitate the installation of additional laboratory furniture.


You need to understand that getting the best quality furniture is not enough. Efficiency needs to be prioritised at the same level as effective design. Workers in the laboratory need to feel comfortable while experimenting and stay stress-free, apparently optimising productivity. For increased precision, careful instrument arrangement, proper lighting, and high tech furnishing are required.

Budget-Friendly Furnishing

Installing modular furniture in your laboratory is fine until you are aware of your budget. While cost-effectiveness is crucial, it is also important to avoid buying low-quality products just because they are inexpensive. Before constructing a 100 percent specialised lab area, it is usually a good idea to start with infrastructure (energy and benefits) and then transform it into the space as needed. It is a simple task to combine flexible casework with workstations and is also pocket friendly as you might want it. .

Easy Maintenance

Lab furniture is a long-term investment which is not easily replaced. Buying laboratory furniture is a crucial aspect of setting up a productive lab. The upkeep of laboratory furniture varies depending on the material used to make it. Poor maintenance leads to wear and tear, so keep this in mind as you plan and construct your lab.


Choosing the best Laboratory Furniture has never been easier! Simply follow these easy guidelines and evaluate lab type, quality, and pricing factors. Santech Labs is here to help you with every aspect of your modular lab setup.

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